Monday, August 25, 2008

In Savai'i

On Thursday we went to Savaii, we went for 3 day and 2 nights, on the way to the ferry the police & black Limo with the Head of State or Prime Minister in went rushing passed. The ferry was bumpy on the way back. The ferry ride there and back was an hour and a half. When we got off the ferry, we went to the market, but we didn’t buy anything. Then the first stop was the Lava Flow, we got out of the car and walked on the lava, we could take some lava rock back to Upolu. The lava flow started in 1905 and finished in 1911. There were some very interesting pieces of lava, down the road from the lava flow we went to see the buried church and the virgin’s grave. The lava went right around the virgin’s grave. After that we went straight to Jane’s beach fale’s. Mum and Dad stayed in one fale and the kids stayed in another. I and Maleina got to sleep out on the deck. When we got there some men where climbing the coconut trees to get all the coconuts down, so that they won’t fall on the roof, it was very windy that day. For tea we had lamb, potato salad, Star fruit and coleslaw. We all wanted to go shell hunting but we weren’t aloud, as it started to rain. We were about to start a game of spot light but it started to rain. The sea was noise in the night. In the morning for breakfast we had star fruit, two toasts, egg and pawpaw. For our drink we had hot water, mixed with milk and sugar and juice. After breakfast we had to start getting ready to go. We went for a walk to tanu and then we walked along the beach. Latia found a coconut and she carried it all the way to the beach fale’s but it was brown so we could not have it. I got a nail and pocked it. We hopped in the car and hit the road to the next beach fale’s. Our first stop was the peapea cave. We had t take a torch. I thought that it wasn’t that dark but it was dark. We saw birds and one nest with a little peapea egg in. After that we went to SamoaTel to get a post card to send to Nana, Grandad and Auntie Viv. After that we went to the Canopy Walkway, before we went there we passed it and went to the beach to have lunch. We went to the Star Mound for a look, it is a big man made hill of large stones, it was made along long time ago. Then we went back to the Canopy Walkway but it wasn’t a walkway because the bridge was broken but we still got to climb up the tree hut. It was really steep and about 15 mitres off the ground, we looked out over the top of all the tall trees. We started going to the beach false when we saw a flying fox flying along the edge of the road by a steep cliff. We stopped for a look Dad tried to get a photo but it was too fast. We think there was a cave because it went down and we did not see it. When we got to the beach fale the lady wasn’t there so we had to wait. We got three fales Mum and Dad slept in one, Latia and I slept in another and Maleina and Talia stayed in another. The lady was really nice. We hoped straight in the water when we got there. The next day we went to the Blowholes on the way to the ferry. We got a coconut from the lady to throw in the blowholes. Dad throw it in and it came flying back up onto the rocks. Maleina went out with Dad some of the way a freak wave came and we all ran back up the rocks to the car. Maleina got hurt on the rocks and saturated. Dad got wet getting Maleina’s jandals. I was very scared and wanted to leave straight away! We had pani popo (coconut buns) to celebrate our time on Savaii and that everyone was safe but Latia dropped the buns in the sand. We then went on to the ferry and caught the 2.00pm ferry because we were early. We were booked on the 4.00pm ferry. The sea was very rough and it was like being on a roller coaster for the 1 ½ hours back to Upolo. By Leilani.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Thanks for the comments!!

Hi thanks for the comments.
Our neighbours came and had a week in Samoa. They stayed at Rita’s lodge across the fence. We went around the island again. We went to a 55m water fall and a 65m water fall. When we where going down to the 55m water fall the car got stuck in the mud but Clive said to put wait on the back wheels because the front wheels where stuck. The 65m water fall had a garden around it. Like traditional drums and kitchen. The man was cooking tea for his parents that arrived at 4:30. He was peeling the taro & breadfruit.

By Leilani

Friday, July 25, 2008

Yesterdays walk

All of us at the tomb
Me doing a lizard pose!
Our seeds for making ula's (Necklaces) and Kapok,
This is one huge snail!!
My photo of lizard.

We went on the Robert Louis Stevenson’s tomb walk yesterday it was about 30 minute walk up a steep hill. We saw some lizards, we collected some seeds that they use on leis and are used as marbles they come from the tree that they use for making Samoan canoes. When we got up the top there was a really cool view over the Apia harbour and the island. Dad saw a flying fox (fruit bat). We went the long way back and the short way up, it took an hour to get back down. We saw some kapok pods which was the first time we have seen them open. The long way back had lots of obstacles in the way but was not as steep. We also found a huge snail shell, Dad throw it at a tree as the snails are now a pest and destroy the crops. We saw an old bridge but we didn’t need to walk on it.

By Leilani.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


On Friday we had our spellathon. The reward was a chocolate bar. Dad went to town on the bike. He went to the internet cafe to check the e-mails. In the middle of the spellathon Talia Started getting angry because she did not now how to spell of. After lunch we all went to town in the car we where going to the post office but we did not make it because the car died we had to walk to dads cousins (Palolo) work. She wasn’t there. We walked to the post office to send a letter to Nana and check the letter box.We got a letter from nana and grandad.
I lost my prinsess max!!!By Leilani

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

At the 7th International Siva Afi Competitiions(Fire Dance)

We were on the Mountain Dew stuff!
Ouch...this was the best on the night.

Look at me
Nanna, Aunty Vivienne and Nanna enjoying the show.

We went to the Siva Afi fire dance night. We went with nana, grandad and auntie Viv. We got pizza for tea before we went. When we got there we got a drink of mountain dew. It’s just like fizzy. We had to wait a long time before we saw the show because we where early so we could get a table. When we where going up the drive way we saw a house that was breaking down and I thought it had got on fire from when they where practising. They did it for three nights. We only saw one night of it. One night the seniors did it the second night the juniors did it and the last night was the finals. There was only one girl in the seniors and she was a kiwi. We got heaps of photos. Me Maleina and Latia went and sat right up the front. I got scared 2 times because they chucked knifes up in the air and swag them a round when a boy had 3. There where people that played the drums. There where all kinds of drums that they played. We had an after noon sleep so we would not get grumpy and tied in the night.
By Leilani