Wednesday, June 18, 2008

At the 7th International Siva Afi Competitiions(Fire Dance)

We were on the Mountain Dew stuff!
Ouch...this was the best on the night.

Look at me
Nanna, Aunty Vivienne and Nanna enjoying the show.

We went to the Siva Afi fire dance night. We went with nana, grandad and auntie Viv. We got pizza for tea before we went. When we got there we got a drink of mountain dew. It’s just like fizzy. We had to wait a long time before we saw the show because we where early so we could get a table. When we where going up the drive way we saw a house that was breaking down and I thought it had got on fire from when they where practising. They did it for three nights. We only saw one night of it. One night the seniors did it the second night the juniors did it and the last night was the finals. There was only one girl in the seniors and she was a kiwi. We got heaps of photos. Me Maleina and Latia went and sat right up the front. I got scared 2 times because they chucked knifes up in the air and swag them a round when a boy had 3. There where people that played the drums. There where all kinds of drums that they played. We had an after noon sleep so we would not get grumpy and tied in the night.
By Leilani


Desiree said...

Hi Leilani, here is some news from room 9.
Hello, I have been doing hip hop in the hall.
I like doing the shimmy and the slap dance. My friend comes along and does it too.
We do games like Chinese Whispers and we do a big dance circle.

Hi Leilani
What a cool waterslide! How warm is it?
Is it rocky or is it smooth?
I have been on a waterslide in Tahuna.

Our stories are about giants. I wrote a story about an orphan and a dream giant. It is like Jack and the beanstalk but it has a good giant.
Mrs Russell published the stories in the computer suite.
From TeMaunga

We are doing giant stories. We are making pictures on the computer. We are getting better at doing pictures on the computer.

On Fridays we are doing Maori interchange and I am doing tukutuku pattern. For my tukutuku pattern I am doing tenpin bowling and Tayler is doing the fun of bowling.

We are allowed to play in the sandpit at lunchtime when ever we want to. When there are too many people in the sandpit I don’t go in.
In the weekend I went to see the baby kakapos. They were about ten weeks old. One of them tried to hop on a stick but it completely missed the stick.

We have been doing lots of hard work but the most important news is that Skyla is back.
I am good at spelling because see I just spelt it. We have got a sandpit now.
Jess F

At Kapahaka we have been learning a new song. We learnt the rest of Pa mai. We learnt Whakatue. I am really good at Whakatue.

At maori interchange I have been doing kiwi moon. It is cool. We are showing the whole school this Friday. I am really having fun.
Yesterday I went rock climbing with my aunt and my other aunt and my cousin. Me and my cousin had a race. He won.

Yesterday I played ripper rugby and we won. The score was 16-14.

The sandpit is finished. It is cool. We play in it nearly everyday.

We are doing lots of writing about giants. My one is friendly. There are bad parts in it. It is fun writing about giants. Some giants are bad and some books have happy endings.
Te Kaea

We have been doing maori interchange every Friday. I am doing pois. I like doing pois. It is cool.

We are doing maori interchange every Friday. I am in kapahaka. I am good at being the lead for the song, yelling out the words that I have to do in the song.

The sandpit is finished and it is fun. The playground is still there and the sandpit is beside it.

I am writing about giants in my story. There’s a giant who is nice and a giant who is bad. There’s a little girl and the bad giant is named the Bloodbottler and the nice giant is named the BFG.

We went to the museum . We saw beautiful dresses. We saw cotton and wool and silk too. We saw old sewing machines. At the museum we dressed up.

We have been doing giant stories and we are making books too.

The Grey Family in Samoa said...

Hi thank you for the comments. I got a very big surprise when I saw everyone’s comments on my page. (Sorry for very late reply)

Matthew. The temperature usually is 28 degrees but I bet it is cold in nelson!! Yes rocky but reasonably smooth.
We got a car. We went to the museum as well. It was very interesting. We took lots of photos. On Thursday we went to Savaii for three days. The favourite things we did was going to the blow wholes, Lava flow and Beach Fale’s. We went around the Island in the three days we where there. The ferry back was very bumpy. Mum called it a roller coaster ride!! The ferry was big! Looking forward to going back to Savaii for my birthday. Only one more term till we come back to Nelson. Missing you heaps.
By Leilani