Friday, July 25, 2008

Yesterdays walk

All of us at the tomb
Me doing a lizard pose!
Our seeds for making ula's (Necklaces) and Kapok,
This is one huge snail!!
My photo of lizard.

We went on the Robert Louis Stevenson’s tomb walk yesterday it was about 30 minute walk up a steep hill. We saw some lizards, we collected some seeds that they use on leis and are used as marbles they come from the tree that they use for making Samoan canoes. When we got up the top there was a really cool view over the Apia harbour and the island. Dad saw a flying fox (fruit bat). We went the long way back and the short way up, it took an hour to get back down. We saw some kapok pods which was the first time we have seen them open. The long way back had lots of obstacles in the way but was not as steep. We also found a huge snail shell, Dad throw it at a tree as the snails are now a pest and destroy the crops. We saw an old bridge but we didn’t need to walk on it.

By Leilani.

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Yesterday I went shopping with my mum and dad and sister.
We went to Richmond and we went to the $2 shop.

I went hunting with my dad. We caught a pig. We shot it in the head. Adam

Yesterday it was half day because it was parent interviews. I did not go because I did not want to go. I stayed at home with my brother we played hide and seek.

Yesterday it was my sister,s Birthday. We got her a bike. Brayden

Yesterday afternoon me and my brother went to the playground and I saw summer at the playground. After my mum came with my uncle and my brother went home to check if my mum was there and my brother came to call me to come home.

Yesterday afternoon after mum and I got dressed we went to the beach. First we went to MaCers and we had lunch at the beach. After we had lunch we made a sandcastle. My mum found two giant mussel shells. After we made a sandcastle on the beach we played on the playground. I walked up the giant whale.

Yesterday our house was flooded. We had to open all the doors and windows.
The tap was left on in the laundry.
Jessica f

When I was sick my Mum bought some books. One was named ‘’ Crystal the snow Fairy’’.
She got me two. And the other one was named “Hayley the rain Fairy” Julia got me one and that was named ‘’ Jessica the jazz Fairy.’’

Jessica eve roselli perham.

I went to the park and I played touch. It was cool . My team won. Levi.

I have Been playing rugby.I got mudey.

We had a storm in Nelson. It was really bad! Heaps of trees fell over at school. At my house a tree nearly fell over. I got a new tv and a tv cabinet. My dad is bold. By Riley Boeyen.
Last week there was a storm. It nearly pushed
our car off the road.
Te Maunga.

Down here we had a storm and our big tree fell down. Danielle.

Yesterday my cousin came over. We played games. Soon it was time for lunch. skyla

This morning I accidentally wore my slippers outside. So I have to wait until the end of the day to put them inside. Every day after school my mum puts hers on. So I always put mine on.

Last week there was an enormous storm. It was scary. A big tree fell down and it blocked the road so we went on the grass.

In one years time my family and my
Grandma and granddad are going to
the north island to watch a knight
show. They dress up as knights and have ground fights. After that they hop on
horses and try to knock each other off.

Down at my house my sister’s bed flew away and my trampoline and a tree fell down and it nearly fell on a car.