Friday, July 25, 2008

Yesterdays walk

All of us at the tomb
Me doing a lizard pose!
Our seeds for making ula's (Necklaces) and Kapok,
This is one huge snail!!
My photo of lizard.

We went on the Robert Louis Stevenson’s tomb walk yesterday it was about 30 minute walk up a steep hill. We saw some lizards, we collected some seeds that they use on leis and are used as marbles they come from the tree that they use for making Samoan canoes. When we got up the top there was a really cool view over the Apia harbour and the island. Dad saw a flying fox (fruit bat). We went the long way back and the short way up, it took an hour to get back down. We saw some kapok pods which was the first time we have seen them open. The long way back had lots of obstacles in the way but was not as steep. We also found a huge snail shell, Dad throw it at a tree as the snails are now a pest and destroy the crops. We saw an old bridge but we didn’t need to walk on it.

By Leilani.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


On Friday we had our spellathon. The reward was a chocolate bar. Dad went to town on the bike. He went to the internet cafe to check the e-mails. In the middle of the spellathon Talia Started getting angry because she did not now how to spell of. After lunch we all went to town in the car we where going to the post office but we did not make it because the car died we had to walk to dads cousins (Palolo) work. She wasn’t there. We walked to the post office to send a letter to Nana and check the letter box.We got a letter from nana and grandad.
I lost my prinsess max!!!By Leilani